Tailored Care Strategies by Condition at Care Partners Hospice Inc.

Compassionate • Trustworthy • Supportive

At Care Partners Hospice Inc., we recognize that each patient’s journey is unique, especially when faced with a serious illness. That's why we offer personalized hospice care plans that are specifically designed to meet the clinical, emotional, and social needs associated with different conditions or diseases. Our approach ensures that both patients and their families receive the most appropriate and compassionate care tailored to their specific situation.


Tailored Care for Various Conditions

ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)

ALS presents significant challenges, not only physically but emotionally for both the patient and their loved ones. Our care plans focus on alleviating symptoms, providing emotional support, and enhancing communication abilities to improve quality of life.

Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

In the later stages of dementia, our priority is to relieve pain, manage symptoms, and reduce anxiety, thereby improving the quality of life for both patients and their caregivers. Our team is trained to address the unique challenges of memory care with sensitivity and compassion.


While hospice care may not extend life for a cancer patient, it can greatly enhance the quality of their remaining time. We focus on symptom management, pain relief, and emotional support to ensure that patients live their final days with dignity and as little discomfort as possible.

Heart Disease

For those with advanced heart disease, our hospice care provides relief from symptoms and helps families navigate the complex emotions and decisions that arise when curative treatment is no longer an option.


Our care for end-stage HIV/AIDS focuses on pain relief, symptom management, and emotional support, ensuring that patients can live their final days in comfort and peace.

Kidney Failure

When a patient chooses to forgo or discontinue dialysis, our team provides comprehensive support to manage the symptoms and challenges that arise from advanced kidney disease.

Liver Disease

We help identify the signs indicating that liver disease has progressed to a stage where hospice care would be beneficial, providing specialized care to manage symptoms and support both patient and family.

Lung Cancer and COPD

End-stage lung disease requires careful symptom management and support. Our programs are designed to reduce discomfort from respiratory distress and provide comprehensive support to patients and families.

Neurological Diseases

For patients with neurological conditions where improvement is unlikely, our hospice care focuses on comfort and quality of life, especially when decisions such as discontinuing mechanical support are made.

Pediatric Care

Our pediatric hospice care puts families at the forefront, working closely with parents and physicians to create a care plan that respects the family's wishes and focuses on the comfort and needs of the child.


Recognizing sepsis early is crucial, and our team is prepared to intervene with hospice care to manage this condition effectively, ensuring that patient comfort and symptom relief are prioritized.

Comprehensive Support Across All Conditions

Our interdisciplinary team includes physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, and trained volunteers who collaborate to provide a holistic approach to care. This team ensures that every aspect of the patient's and family's needs are addressed, from medical management to emotional and spiritual support.

A Focus on Quality of Life

At Care Partners Hospice Inc., the goal of our tailored care strategies is to improve the quality of life for our patients, regardless of the prognosis or the stage of the disease. We believe in caring for the person, not just the condition, providing support that respects each patient's dignity and personal journey.

Our approach to hospice care ensures that each patient's final days are spent in comfort, supported by a team dedicated to providing compassionate and respectful care tailored to their specific needs.

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Call: 818-285-8157

Fax: 818-285-8135

Our Address

21241 Ventura Blvd, STE 179, Woodland Hills, CA 91364