Meet Our Hospice Care Team at Care Partners Hospice Inc.

Compassionate • Trustworthy • Supportive

At Care Partners Hospice Inc., our hospice care team is composed of highly dedicated healthcare professionals who specialize in providing compassionate care to patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Our team approach ensures that all aspects of a patient's needs are addressed, offering support that is both comprehensive and personalized.


Our Multidisciplinary Team

Our hospice care team includes:

  • Physicians Experts in managing pain and symptoms, our physicians ensure that each patient's medical care meets their needs for comfort and quality of life.
  • Nurses Our hospice nurses are at the heart of our care, providing daily medical attention, emotional support, and ensuring the dignity of each patient as they near the end of life.
  • Hospice Aides Dedicated to assisting with daily living activities, hospice aides play a crucial role in providing care that enhances comfort and maintains the highest possible quality of life.
  • Social Workers Trained in end-of-life care, our social workers support families through the logistical and emotional challenges associated with end-of-life planning and bereavement.
  • Chaplains Offering spiritual support tailored to each family’s beliefs, our chaplains are available to provide guidance, comfort, and hope, helping patients and families find peace.
  • Volunteers Committed to complementing the care provided by other team members, volunteers bring warmth and companionship to patients and respite for families.
  • Bereavement Specialists Experts in grief support, they provide essential services to families before and after the passing of a loved one, helping them navigate through their grief journey.

24/7 Support Through Telecare

Understanding that needs can arise at any hour, Care Partners Hospice Inc. offers Telecare—a 24-hour service providing immediate access to hospice clinicians. Whether it's answering a question, providing support over the phone, or dispatching a team member to the bedside, our Telecare ensures that help is always just a phone call away.

A Day in the Life of Our Hospice Team

  • Physicians and Nurses Each day, they assess patients' conditions, manage pain, and adjust treatments to ensure that each patient's final days are as comfortable as possible.
  • Social Workers They might spend their day arranging necessary services, helping families understand and make difficult healthcare decisions, or ensuring that all paperwork is completed to facilitate appropriate care.
  • Chaplains Provide emotional and spiritual support, often through conversations that help patients and families find closure, peace, or spiritual solace.

Our Commitment to Quality Care

With decades of experience in hospice and palliative care, Care Partners Hospice Inc. is dedicated to providing tailored care plans that meet the specific needs of each patient. Our interdisciplinary care teams work collaboratively to offer not just medical support but also therapy, emotional, and pastoral care.

At Care Partners Hospice Inc., we understand that dealing with a life-limiting illness can be extremely challenging, but you don't have to face it alone. Our hospice care team is here to provide the comfort, dignity, and respect that every individual deserves at the end of life. Call us to learn how we can support you and your loved ones during this important time.

Contact Us

Let us know how can we help you!

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Call: 818-285-8157

Fax: 818-285-8135

Our Address

21241 Ventura Blvd, STE 179, Woodland Hills, CA 91364