About Care Partners

Compassionate • Trustworthy • Supportive

Understanding Hospice and Palliative Care at Care Partners Hospice Inc.

Addressing the final stages of life can be a profound challenge, whether you are anticipating future needs or dealing with a serious illness currently. At Care Partners Hospice Inc., we extend compassionate hospice care to those facing life-limiting conditions, ensuring dignity and comfort. Our palliative care program is dedicated to managing symptoms, alleviating pain, and improving the quality of life for those with chronic or severe illnesses.


Exploring the Essentials of Hospice and Palliative Care

Hospice care is a specialized type of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients in the final phases of a terminal illness. Focusing on enhancing the quality of remaining life, it opts not to pursue curative treatment but to offer relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness. The goal is to enable patients to live each day as fully as possible.

Palliative care, while similar, is available to patients at any stage of a serious illness and can be provided alongside curative treatment. It focuses on providing relief from symptoms, pain, and stress, with the aim of improving quality of life for both the patient and the family.

Navigating Through Our Services

At Care Partners Hospice Inc., we understand that each family's needs are unique. Our team includes skilled physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual care providers, and moreā€”all trained to support the diverse and complex needs of our patients and their families.

  • About Hospice Care Learn how hospice care can provide comfort and dignity in the face of terminal illness.
  • Recognizing the Right Time for Hospice Understand the signs that indicate hospice care may be the next step.
  • The Dynamics of Our Hospice Care Team Discover the roles and day-to-day contributions of our team members dedicated to providing compassionate care.
  • Financial Guidance for Hospice Services Information on coverage options for hospice care including Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance.
  • Common Questions About Hospice Answers to frequently asked questions about hospice care and how it can help your loved one.

Addressing Palliative Care Needs

Our palliative care services are tailored to ease the journey through serious illnesses at any stage. Whether it's cancer, chronic diseases, or other serious health conditions, our team provides the necessary medical, emotional, and spiritual support to enhance the quality of life.

Planning for the End of Life

Understanding and preparing for end-of-life care is crucial. At Care Partners Hospice Inc., we assist families with advance directives, living wills, and the complex decisions surrounding end-of-life care options. Our aim is to ensure that these difficult conversations can lead to informed, respectful decisions that honor the wishes of the patient and their family.

At Care Partners Hospice Inc., we believe in providing care that respects the dignity of our patients while supporting their loved ones through these challenging times. Contact us to explore more about our hospice and palliative care programs, and discover how we can help provide the comfort and support you deserve.

Contact Us

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Call: 818-285-8157

Fax: 818-285-8135

Our Address

21241 Ventura Blvd, STE 179, Woodland Hills, CA 91364